The story follows the imaginative yet bumbling inventor Caractacus Potts, who has just created a magical flying car that can drive on land and soar through the skies—Chitty Chitty Bang Bang! With the help of his two spirited children, Jeremy and Jemima, and the lovely Truly Scrumptious, Caractacus embarks on an extraordinary journey to save a beautiful princess from the clutches of the diabolical Baron Bomburst and his dastardly henchman, the Child Catcher.
Featuring a delightful score by the Sherman Brothers, including unforgettable songs like "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang," "You Two," and "Toot Sweets," this musical marvel combines captivating melodies, stunning choreography, and rich storytelling. Audiences will be transported to a world filled with adventure, romance, and the true power of imagination.
With a colorful cast of characters, dazzling sets, and memorable moments, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang promises to be an exhilarating experience that will leave you humming the tunes long after the curtain falls. Bring your family and friends to witness this magical journey that proves anything is possible if you just believe—and of course, if you have a flying car!
Don’t miss your chance to see Chitty Chitty Bang Bang in all its glory, as Pike Road Theatre Company brings this beloved classic to life on stage!
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang will be performed at The Faulkner Theatre, 5346 Atlanta Highway, Montgomery, AL 36109
The Pike Road Theatre Company is proud to present our cast for this event!